Provides access to Program related API features in both BehaviorWorkers and ProgramPresenters


  • CommonBehaviorAPI
    • ProgramBehaviorAPI


  • Creates a new instance of the ProgramBehaviorAPI to allow communication with the surrounding application from within a WebWorker


    • target: EventTarget | Worker

      A worker, provided with 'self' when created inside a web worker

    Returns ProgramBehaviorAPI


applicationService: ApplicationService
builder: TreeBuilder
logMessageService: LogMessageService
logPerformanceService: LogPerformanceService
programTreeService: ProgramTreeService
robotInfoService: RobotInfoService
robotPositionService: RobotPositionService
ros2Client: Ros2Client
safetyService: SafetyService
settingsService: SettingsService
sourceService: SourceService
symbolService: SymbolService


  • Creates a URL string for communicating with backend Container Contributions A protocol must be prepended to the string, like 'http://' or 'ws://'


    URL string without protocol.


    • vendorID: string

      Id of Vendor as specified in manifest.yaml file

    • urcapID: string

      Id of URCap as specified in manifest.yaml file

    • containerName: string

      Name of Container as specified in manifest.yaml file

    • serviceName: string

      Name of Service as specified by Ingress name in manifest.yaml file

    Returns string

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