Class DialogService

Service for open a dialog


  • DialogService


  • Create a service for the specific worker


    • worker: EventTarget

    Returns DialogService


worker: EventTarget


  • Open a Confirmation Dialog with a single dismiss button.


    • title: string

      Dialog title

    • text: string

      Dialog message

    • icon: string

      Dialog icon. It can be 'info', 'warning', 'error', or other icon strings.

    • Optional confirmText: string

      Optional. Text for confirm button. Default to 'Confirm'.

    • Optional confirmIcon: string

      Optional. Icon for confirm button. Default to no icon.

    • Optional cancelText: string

      Optional. Text for cancel button. Default to 'Go Back'.

    Returns Promise<CloseDialog<never>>

  • Open a Confirmation Dialog with a single dismiss button.


    • title: string

      Dialog title

    • text: string

      Dialog message

    • icon: string

      Dialog icon. It can be 'info', 'warning', 'error', or other icon strings.

    • Optional confirmText: string

      Optional. Text for confirm button. Default to 'OK'.

    • Optional confirmIcon: string

      Optional. icon for confirm button. Default to no icon.

    Returns Promise<CloseDialog<never>>

  • Open a Custom Webcomponent Dialog

    Type Parameters

    • ParamType = any

    • ReturnType = ParamType


    • componentTag: string

      The tagname of the webcomponent to render in the dialog

    • initialData: ParamType

      The initial data to be passed to the dialog component upon opening

    • Optional options: GenericDialogOptions

    Returns Promise<CloseDialog<ReturnType>>

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