Class SourceService

Service for getting information about Sources and Signals


  • SourceService


  • Parameters

    • eventTarget: EventTarget

    Returns SourceService


eventTarget: any


  • Returns the generated script code for getting the value of a given signal


    use getGetSignalScript instead


    • sourceID: string

      The ID of the source containing the signal to get

    • signalID: string

      The ID of the signal to get

    Returns Promise<string>

  • Returns the generated script code for setting the signal to the given value


    use getSetSignalScript instead


    • sourceID: string

      The ID of the source containing the signal to set

    • signalID: string

      The ID of the signal to set

    • value: SignalValue

      The value to set the signal to - for digital values use 0 or 1, for registers use only integers, for analog values use any float

    Returns Promise<string>

  • Returns an object literal containing a mapping of SignalIDs -> AnalogDomains


    should be handled by the individual contribution


    • sourceID: string

      The ID of the Source for which to get Domain data

    Returns Promise<{
        [signalID: string]: SignalAnalogDomainValueEnum;

  • Returns the generated script code for getting the value of a given signal


    • sourceGroupID: string

      The Source group, containing the source to provide events for

    • sourceID: string

      The ID of the source containing the signal to get

    • signalID: string

      The ID of the signal to get

    Returns Promise<string>

  • Returns the generated script code for setting the signal to the given value


    • sourceGroupID: string

      The Source group, containing the source and signal to provide script for

    • sourceID: string

      The ID of the source containing the signal to set

    • signalID: string

      The ID of the signal to set

    • value: SignalValue

      The value to set the signal to - for digital values use 0 or 1, for registers use only integers, for analog values use any float

    Returns Promise<string>

  • Returns an object literal containing a mapping of SignalIDs -> Labels


    Source contributions will be responsible for providing labels for signals directly


    • sourceID: string

      The ID of the Source for which to get the Label mappings

    Returns Promise<{
        [signalId: string]: string;

  • Returns an object literal containing a mapping of SignalIDs -> Presets


    Source contributions will be responsible for handling presets themselves


    • sourceID: string

      The ID of the Source for which to get the Preset mappings

    Returns Promise<SourcePresets>

  • Returns an Observable providing Signal events


    use getSourceUpdates instead


    • sourceID: string

      The Source containing the Signals to provide events for

    • Optional filter: Partial<Pick<Signal, "direction" | "valueType">>

      SignalFilter used to filter only events for Signals which match the filter

    Returns Observable<SignalEvent>

  • Returns the list of Signals in a Source


    use getSourceSignals instead


    • sourceID: string

      The Source to list Signals for

    • Optional filter: Partial<Pick<Signal, "direction" | "valueType">>

      SignalFilter used to filter only Signals which match the filter

    Returns Promise<Signal[]>

  • Returns the list of Signals in a Source


    • sourceGroupID: string

      The Source group, containing the source to provide signals for

    • sourceID: string

      The Source to list Signals for

    • Optional filter: Partial<Pick<Signal, "direction" | "valueType">>

      SignalFilter used to filter only Signals which match the filter

    Returns Promise<Signal[]>

  • Returns an Observable providing Signal events


    • sourceGroupID: string

      The Source group, containing the source to provide events for

    • sourceID: string

      The Source containing the Signals to provide events for

    • Optional filter: Partial<Pick<Signal, "direction" | "valueType">>

      SignalFilter used to filter only events for Signals which match the filter

    Returns Observable<SignalEvent>

  • Returns the ID's of Sources that are available to the application


    • Optional filter: Partial<Pick<Signal, "direction" | "valueType">>

      SignalFilter used to filter only Sources which contain Signals matching the filter

    Returns Promise<string[]>

  • Sets a value on a signal


    use setSourceSignalValue instead


    • sourceID: string

      The ID of the Source, containing the Signal to set

    • signalID: string

      The ID of the Signal to set

    • value: SignalBooleanValue | SignalFloatValue

      The value to set

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Sets a value on a signal


    • sourceGroupID: string

      The Source group, containing the source to provide events for

    • sourceID: string

      The ID of the Source, containing the Signal to set

    • signalID: string

      The ID of the Signal to set

    • value: SignalBooleanValue | SignalFloatValue

      The value to set

    Returns Promise<void>

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