Overview of the manifest.yaml URCap descriptor
The following section is intended to give an overview of the different options available for the manifest.yaml
that is required when creating a URCap. The manifest resides in the top level of the URCapX file and contains two
primary parts:
Metadata: ID and an optional common description of all contributed artifacts
Artifacts: The actual artifacts to be contributes
[Required] metadata
The metadata section of the manifest contains information that identifies the URCap, including:
vendorID: Unique identifier for the vendor that developed the URCap application
vendorName: The full vendor name
urcapID: A unique identifier for the URCap developed by the vendor
urcapName: The full URCap name
version: Version of the URCap
description: A brief description of the URCap functionality
copyright: The copyright information for the URCap
licenseType: The type of license for the URCap
license: License information
contactInfo: Contact information for the vendor/company that developed the URCap
See example here URCap contribution manifest
[Required] id: Unique identifier for the vendor that developed the URCap application
[Required] vendorName: The full vendor name
[Required] urcapID: A unique identifier for the URCap developed by the vendor
[Required] urcapName: The full URCap name
[Required] version: Version of the URCap. Should be of format <major>.<minor>.<patch>.<buildNo>. Where build number is optional
[Optional] description: A brief description of the URCap functionality
[Optional] copyright: The copyright information for the URCap
[Optional] licenseType: The type of license for the URCap
[Optional] license: License information
[Optional] contactInfo: Contact information for the vendor/company that developed the URCap
The properties vendorID
and urcapID
in combination uniquely defines an ID
for the URCap. They must only contain letters, digits and hyphens.
see Creating a container backend Contribution for an example of how the URCap ID
is used when communicating with a
container contribution.
[Required] artifacts
After describing the metadata of the URCap, the following section is about the actual artifacts that the URCap is bringing.
The two types of artifacts that the URCap can bring with it are containers and webArchives. The following sections will showcase the different artifacts, and describe some of the required and optional properties and where appropriate refer to guides with more in-depth descriptions.
[Optional] Containers
Properties for containersmetadata: ... artifacts: container: id: Name of the container artifact image: Container image name startup: Decide if the container should start automatically or not exposePorts: An array of container network ports to be exposed environment: An array of environment variables to be available inside the container mounts: An array of volume mounts to be mounted inside the container devices: An array of devices to be mounted inside the container networks: An array of networks to be available inside the container ingress: An array if ingress configurations services: An array of controller interfaces this container wants to communicate with
[Required] id: The name to identify the artifact. See note below
[Required] image: Name of the docker image
[Optional] exposePorts: Enables communication between a network port on the container and a network port on the host. The exposed network ports are defined as follows:
exposePorts: [Required] id: Uniqe name of this exposed network port [Required] containerPort: This is the network port number on the container [Optional] hostPort: This is the network port number on the host used to map the "containerPort" to this "hostPort" Port range is [1 - 61000] [Optional] protocol: Values can be "udp" or "tcp". Default value is "tcp" [Optional] externallyAvailable: Values can be "true" or "false". Default value is "false" Indicates whether the host network port is available on the physical network
[Optional] environment: Environment variables are defined as follows:
environment: [Required] name: The container environment variable name. Convention is to use capital letters with underscore delimiters [Required] value: The container environment variable value. Any configuration information required at runtime by URCap container
[Optional] mounts: See Data storage for a description on how to use the different types of mounts
[Optional] devices: List of physical USB device types / classes that should be accessible from the container. Device types are defined as follows:
devices: [Required] type: Type of device the container should get access to
Valid device types are:
ttyTool: Built in robot tool connector
serial: USB to serial device
video, USB to video device
network: USB to ethernet device
See Serial Device - Hot plug For a description on how devices can be accessed in the container using a hot plug mechanism.
[Optional] networks: Enables additional networks in the container. The networks are defined as follows:
networks: [Required] id: Interface name inside container [Optional] type: network type [Optional] description: The purpose of this network
Valid network types are:
eth: Ethernet interface
macvlan: See Networking - Macvlan
vlan: vlan interface
[Optional] ingress: Ingress path routing configurations. Specifies how to communicate with servers in containers. Ingress is defined as follows:
ingress: [Required] id: Logical name of the ingress rule [Required] containerPort: The network port number to be used by the server in the container [Optional] protocol: Values can be "http" or "websocket". Default value is "http" [Optional] proxyUrl: The full URL can be forwarded to a simpler URL to be used inside the container. Default is that no forwarding is done [Optional] devUrl: Forward requests to this URL instead of serving them from the container. Used for debugging and realtime development of URCaps
See URCap contribution manifest for an ingress example.
The series of ID’s: vendor, urcap, container and ingress is used to form the URL where the container can be contacted. The actual URL to use from the frontend is defined as: <vendorID>/<urcapID>/<container-id>/<ingress-id>. See Creating a container backend Contribution for an example of how the complete URL is formed.
[Optional] services: Services e.g. controller interfaces this container will access
services: - [Required] service: The Services the container want to access
See Communicating with the robot controller for a list of valid services and how to work with them.
[Optional] Web archives
metadata: ... artifacts: webArchive: id: Unique ID for this web archive folder: Name of the folder containing the web archive devUrl: Forward requests to this URL instead of serving them from the robot
[Required] id: The unique name of the web archive
[Required] folder: The name of the web archive folder
[Optional] devurl: A URL indicating where the development web artifacts is located. Used for debugging and realtime development of URCaps. See How to enable live development of frontend contributions for a description on how to utilize this feature
See URCap contribution manifest for an example of how to use a web archive. See also examples of how to develop a web archive in Creating a Frontend Contribution