Welcome to the MotionPlus Documentation!
This documentation contains the tutorials and resources needed for UR MotionPlus.
- Introduction
- Installation
- MotionPlus URCap
- World Model
- APIs
- Servos
- Examples
- MotionPlus URCap Errors
- FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
- What is Coordinated Motion?
- What is MotionPlus?
- Which part of MotionPlus is licensed?
- Is it possible to test run MotionPlus without a license?
- Does MotionPlus come with hardware?
- What cobots does MotionPlus work with?
- What servo drives are supported?
- If I am a servo drive manufacturer, how do I get my servo drive tested for compatibility with Motion Plus.
- What happens to the servo drive if the robot experiences a protective stop?
- What happens to the servo drive motion when the cobot enters reduced mode?
- Will users be able to set homing, limits, motion profiles within the URCap, rather than in the servo drive?
- Is the Motion Plus URCap required to use the Coordinated Motion UR Script commands?
- How many external axes are supported?
- Is the external axis also collaborative?
- Does the motion of the external axis work with speed scaling?
- What happens to the robot motion if the external axis servo drive experiences a fault?
- What happens to the motion of the external axis if the robot protective stops while performing coordinated motion?
- Does the log file indicate the root cause - either external axis stop / protective stop for the robot?
- What are the requirements for an EtherCAT servo to work with Motion Plus?
- Can I use MotionPlus for indexed motion as well?
- What URScript commands can jog an external axis?
- What URScript commands are used for coordinated motion?
- What is the World Model and how does that work with coordinated motion?
- Do I need MotionPlus to use the World Model reference frames?
- What does the World Model support?
- What is frame tracking and how does it work?
- What applications use coordinated motion?
- Release Notes
If you need help with MotionPlus, please email support@universal-robots.com