MotionPlus URCap Errors
This page describes the public error codes generated by the EtherCAT URCap and reported directly to the user via URScript popups.
It does not describe the various internal error codes which may be reported in the EtherCAT Daemon log file. These error codes are not fixed as they are generated by various software components, many of which are maintained separately from the URCap.
Error Categories
Each public error code for the EtherCAT URCap falls under one of the following categories, according to the value of the error code:
Error Range |
Category |
Description |
0 |
Success |
indication that no error has occurred |
100-199 |
XML-RPC client |
any error generated when client passes an invalid argument to XML-RPC method or fails to meet one of the method’s preconditions |
200-299 |
XML-RPC service |
any error generated during the execution of an XML-RPC method (with valid arguments and its preconditions met) |
300-399 |
EtherCAT master |
any error generated by the EtherCAT master (after it has been configured and started)NOTE: Each of these errors will cause the EtherCAT master to halt and will prevent it from being restarted until the error is cleared. (See “Error Display” section of URCap Installation Page Documentation for more information.) |
100-199 XML-RPC client errors
Code |
Name |
Description |
Corrective Action |
101 |
Invalid Network Interface |
Given device name references a network device that does not exist or is unsuitable for EtherCAT communication. |
Try again with a supported device name. |
102 |
Invalid Axis Index |
Given axis index is negative or larger than the maximum supported axis index. |
Try again with a valid axis index. |
103 |
Duplicate Axis Config |
Given axis configuration has an axis index, axis name, or station address that is already in use by another existing axis configuration. |
Try again with axis index, axis name, and station address values that are not already in use. |
104 |
No Network Interface Selected |
No network device has been selected for EtherCAT communication. |
Select an EtherCAT network device and try again. |
105 |
No Axes Configured |
No axes have been configured for the EtherCAT master. |
Define one or more axes configurations and try again. |
106 |
Master Halted from Error |
EtherCAT master has halted due to a runtime error and cannot be restarted until error has been cleared. |
Inspect Error Display on URCap Installation Page to determine which runtime error has occurred. Then look up the runtime error in the EtherCAT Master Errors section of this document and perform the recommended corrective action. |
107 |
Master Already Running |
An attempt was made to start the EtherCAT master while it was already running. |
Stop the EtherCAT master and try again. |
108 |
Invalid Master Parameter |
Given EtherCAT Master parameter has either an invalid name or an invalid value. |
Try again with a valid parameter name and/or valid parameter value. |
109 |
Invalid SDO Argument Name |
An attempt was made to read/write an SDO for an invalid axis name. |
Try again with a valid axis name. |
110 |
Invalid SDO Argument Type |
An attempt was made to read/write an SDO with an unsupported type. |
Try again with a supported SDO type. |
111 |
Invalid SDO Argument Value |
An attempt was made to write an SDO with an invalid value. |
Try again with a value that is valid for the SDO type. |
112 |
Master Not Running |
An attempt was made to operate on the EtherCAT Master while it was not running. |
Start the EtherCAT master and try again. |
200-299 XML-RPC service errors
Code |
Name |
Description |
Corrective Action |
201 |
Internal Service Error |
An internal error (e.g. software bug) occurred during execution of the XML-RPC method. |
Reattempt operation. If problem persists, contact UR with error details from EtherCAT daemon log file. |
202 |
Network Interface Enable Failed |
Network device selected for EtherCAT communication could not be enabled. |
Select a different network device and reattempt operation. If problem persists, contact UR with error details from EtherCAT daemon log file. |
203 |
Master Start Failed |
An error occurred while starting the EtherCAT master. |
Verify |
204 |
Read SDO Size Mismatch |
Read SDO value did not have the expected number of bytes. |
Verify that the expected SDO type matches the actual SDO type. Then reattempt operation. If problem persists, contact UR with error details from EtherCAT daemon log file. |
205 |
Read SDO Failed |
An error occurred while reading an SDO value. |
Verify that the SDO index and type are correct for the given axis. Then reattempt operation. If problem persists, contact UR with error details from EtherCAT daemon log file. |
206 |
Write SDO Failed |
An error occurred while writing an SDO value. |
Verify that the SDO index, type, and value are correct for the given axis. Then reattempt operation. If problem persists, contact UR with error details from EtherCAT daemon log file. |
300-399 EtherCAT master errors
Code |
Name |
Description |
Corrective Action |
301 |
Internal Master Error |
EtherCAT master has encountered an internal error (e.g. software bug). |
Clear the error and restart the master. If problem persists, contact UR with error details from EtherCAT daemon log file. |
302 |
Missing URControl Feedback |
EtherCAT master has no realtime communication with UR Controller. |
Verify UR Controller is running and is not in a fault state. Then clear error and restart EtherCAT master. |
303 |
Slave Command Failed |
EtherCAT slave failed to process command word within expected deadline. |
Verify slave is not in fault sate. Then clear error and restart EtherCAT master. |
304 |
EtherCAT Initialization Error |
An error occurred during the initialization of the EtherCAT Master. |
Verify counts_per_rev, gear_ratio, feed_constant, and zero_offset_count parameters of each axis configuration are correct. Then reattempt operation. If problem persists, contact UR with error details from EtherCAT daemon log file. |
305 |
EtherCAT Runtime Error |
EtherCAT master has encountered an runtime error (e.g. hardware fault). |
Check the sub error code for more details. |
305 Sub Error Codes - EtherCAT
Code |
Name |
Description |
Corrective Action |
305.0 |
Slave Number Mismatch |
Number of slaves configured and connected do not match. |
Check the EtherCAT cable/network, check the program, make sure the number of connected and configured slaves matches. |
305.1 |
Unknown Master State |
The EtherCAT network is in an unknown state. |
Clear the error and restart the master. |
305.2 |
Set INIT State Failure |
Failed to transit the EtherCAT network to INIT state. |
Clear the error and restart the master. |
305.3 |
Set PRE_OP State Failure |
Failed to transit the EtherCAT network to PRE_OP state. |
Clear the error and restart the master. |
305.4 |
Set SAFE_OP State Failure |
Failed to transit the EtherCAT network to SAFE_OP state. |
Clear the error and restart the master. |
305.5 |
Set OP State Failure |
Failed to transit the EtherCAT network to OP state. |
Clear the error and restart the master. |
305.6 |
Mode Update Failure |
Failed to set slave to an OPERATION MODE. |
Clear the error and restart the master. |
305.7 |
Unsupported Mode |
This OPERATION MODE is not supported. |
Contact UR with error details from MotionPlus Service log file. |
305.8 |
Consecutive PDO Timeout |
Failed to receive PDO for more than 5 consecutive cycles. |
Check the Ethernet cable. Consider using the native Ethernet port (instead of USB Ethernet adapter). Clear the error and restart the master. |
305.9 |
SDO Write Failure |
Failed to write SDO to the slave. |
Check the MotionPlus Service log for more details. |
305.10 |
SDO Read Failure |
Failed to read SDO from the slave. |
Check the MotionPlus Service log for more details. |
305.11 |
Master State Read Failure |
Failed to read MASTER STATE of the EtherCAT network. |
Clear the error and restart the master. |
305.12 |
Target Position Overflow |
The target position is out of the range for a 32bit integer. |
The motion has run out of range. Check axis configuration, and try to limit the range of motion in the program. |