
Skip any of below steps is not applicable.

Setup ROS2 Workspace

  1. Create a colcon workspace:

$ export COLCON_WS=~/workspaces/ur_gz
$ mkdir -p $COLCON_WS/src


Feel free to change ~/workspaces/ur_gz to whatever absolute path you want.


Over time you will probably have multiple ROS workspaces, so it makes sense to them all in a subfolder.

Also, it is good practice to put the ROS version in the name of the workspace, for different tests you could just add a suffix to the base name ur_gz.

  1. Download the required repositories and install package dependencies:

$ git clone -b ros2 src/ur_simulation_gz
$ vcs import --input src/ur_simulation_gz/ur_simulation_gz-not-released.rolling.repos src # only required for rolling
$ rosdep update && rosdep install --ignore-src --from-paths src -y

Configure and build Workspace

To configure and build the workspace execute following commands:

$ source /opt/ros/rolling/setup.bash # necessary after installing gz-sim-vendor
$ colcon build --symlink-install

and finally source your workspace before launching anything else

$ source $COLCON_WS/install/setup.bash