Single Linear Axis Calibration


Use this script to configur your axis and ethercat settings.

Please note the the variables in uppercase are values that you should modify to match your axis setup.

#revised 16 Jan 4:25pm ET
# EtherCAT Single Linear Axis Config Script

# NOTE: You must first create the following global variable in the installation tab under "General"
#       CAL_AX_LINEAR  p[0,0,0,0,0,0]
# This will be used to store the calibrated poses calculated here

PI = acos(-1)

AXIS_TYPE = 1                # 0:rotary, 1:linear

# These values should be according to your linear axis setup, servo drive and motor
VELOCITY_LIMIT = 0.200       # m/s
ACCELERATION_LIMIT = 1.0     # m/s^2
FEED_CONSTANT = -1      # Pulley diameter * PI
GEAR_RATIO =  1         # Output gear
ZERO_OFFSET = 0              # Offset from homed zero position

RAIL_MIN = 0.0
RAIL_MAX = 1.0

def run_axis_config(is_mounted=True):
    # stop EtherCAT master first, otherwise, reset_world_model may throw an error

    axis_position = CAL_AX_LINEAR  #saved in global installation variable

    axis_group_add("rail", p[0,0,0,0,0,0], "world")
    axis_group_add_axis("rail", "axis1", "", p[0,0,0,0,0,0], AXIS_TYPE, VELOCITY_LIMIT, ACCELERATION_LIMIT, [RAIL_MIN, RAIL_MAX])

    ethercat_config_axis("axis1", 1, ENCODER_RESOLUTION, GEAR_RATIO, FEED_CONSTANT, ZERO_OFFSET)

    sleep(1) #wait for the ethercat to start

    if (ethercat_is_axis_in_fault_state("axis1")):
        textmsg("FAULT in: ", "axis1")
            textmsg("Axis 1 FAULT cleared")
            return False

    # If the robot is mounted to the linear axis, move the base of the robot to the slide,
    # then update the axis position and attach the robot base to the axis
    if (is_mounted):
        move_frame("base", CAL_AX_LINEAR, "world")
        axis_group_update_axis(name="axis1", pose=p[CAL_AX_LINEAR[0], CAL_AX_LINEAR[1], CAL_AX_LINEAR[2],0,0,0])
        attach_frame("base", "axis1")

    return True

Interactive Calibration with the Teach Pendant

This script will step you through sampling the points around the axis to compute the position and orientation of the axis center.

# Single Rotary Axis Calibration
def move_axis(group_name, axis1_position):
    msg1 = group_name
    msg1 = str_cat(msg1, " will now move to [")
    msg1 = str_cat(msg1, to_str(axis1_position))
    msg1 = str_cat(msg1, "] meters")

    popup(msg1, "Axis is about to move!", warning=True, error=False, blocking=True)

    axis_group_movej(group_name, [axis1_position], 1, 1)

popup_title = "Linear Axis Calibration"

# pass in point name as a parameter to the message
def teachCalPointAxis(position1, ref_frame, sample_point_name):
    move_axis("rail", position1)
    msg = str_cat("Freedrive to the ", sample_point_name)
    msg = str_cat(msg, " point, then press Continue")
    popup(msg, title=popup_title, blocking=True)
    p = get_pose("tcp", ref_frame)
    msg = str_cat("Freedrive up and away from the ", sample_point_name)
    msg = str_cat(msg, " point, then presss Continue")
    popup(msg, "Axis Calibration", blocking=True)
    return p

# Provide a function to configure your base ethercat setup

if not run_axis_config(MOUNTED):
    popup("configuration failed to run", title=popup_title, warning=False, error=True, blocking=True)

# Teach the pose of axis1 relative to the robot base.
# The robot base should not move
popup("Ready to Calibrate Axis1?", title=popup_title, warning=False, error=False, blocking=True)

# Home to block with very slow speed. Which direction?
popup("Step 1: Home the Linear axis. Ready?", title=popup_title, warning=False, error=False, blocking=True)

# homing
# you should choose appropriate homing method and velocities for your system
homing_method = -2 # home to block
homing_offset  = 0 # [encoder counts]
homing_velocities = [100, 100] # [encoder counts / sec]
homing_acceleration = [50, 50] # [encoder counts / sec^2]

ethercat_home_axis("axis1", homing_method, homing_offset, homing_velocities, homing_acceleration)

AXIS_LENGTH = 1.0  #length in meters
pz1 = teachCalPointAxis( AXIS_LENGTH*0.2, "base", "origin")
origin_offset = get_pose("axis1")[2]

# Teach the X axis direction (single point)
popup("Teach X direction point", title=popup_title, warning=False, error=False, blocking=True)
px1  = teachCalPointAxis(AXIS_LENGTH*0.2, "base", "X direction")

# Teach two more points along the linear axis
pz2 = teachCalPointAxis( AXIS_LENGTH*0.4, "base", "origin")

pz3 = teachCalPointAxis( AXIS_LENGTH*0.6, "base", "origin")

CAL_AX_LINEAR = calibrate_linear_axis(pz1, [pz2, pz3], px1, MOUNTED)[0]

# Subtract any potential origin offset:
CAL_AX_LINEAR[2] = CAL_AX_LINEAR[2] - origin_offset

popup("Completed. Calibration has been saved.", title=popup_title, warning=False, error=False, blocking=True)