
The ReverseInterface opens a TCP port on which a custom protocol is implemented between the robot and the control PC. The port can be specified in the class constructor.

It’s basic functionality is to send a vector of floating point data together with a mode. It is meant to send joint positions or velocities together with a mode that tells the robot how to interpret those values (e.g. SERVOJ, SPEEDJ). Therefore, this interface can be used to do motion command streaming to the robot.

In order to use this class in an application together with a robot, make sure that a corresponding URScript is running on the robot that can interpret the commands sent. See this example script for reference.

The ReverseInterface together with the Script Command Interface, the Trajectory Point Interface and the external_control.urscript creates a communication protocol in order to control many of the robot’s functionalities.

Also see the ScriptSender for a way to define the corresponding URScript on the control PC and sending it to the robot upon request.

Communication protocol

The ReverseInterface’s “reverse_socket” on the robot is expecting 32 bit integer representations 8 datafields frequently. The timeout with which new data is expected can vary depending on the current control mode and is set as part of the message. The data fields have the following meaning:

Table 1 reverse_socket message format




read timeout in milliseconds. The next read from the socket will use this timeout.


Current motion target. depending on the control mode, this can be interpreted as

  • joint positions (SERVOJ)

  • joint velocities (SPEEDJ)

  • trajectory instructions (FORWARD)

    • field 1: Trajectory control mode(1: TRAJECTORY_MODE_RECEIVE, -1: TRAJECTORY_MODE_CANCEL)

    • field 2: Number of trajectory points left to transfer

  • Cartesian velocities (SPEEDL)

  • Cartesian pose (POSE)

  • freedrive instruction (FREEDRIVE)

    • field 1: Freedrive mode (1: FREEDRIVE_MODE_START, -1: FREEDRIVE_MODE_STOP)


Control mode. Can be either of

  • -2: STOPPED – status - not meant to be sent

  • -1: UNINITIALIZED – status - not meant to be sent

  • 0: IDLE – no motion

  • 1: SERVOJ – High-frequent joint position control

  • 2: SPEEDJ – High-frequent joint velocity control

  • 3: FORWARD – Trajectory interpolation on the robot, see Trajectory Point Interface

  • 4: SPEEDL – High-frequenct Cartesian velocity control

  • 5: POSE – High-frequent Cartesian pose control (servoj using inverse kinematics)

  • 6: FREEDRIVE – Use the robot’s freedrive mode

  • 7: TOOL_IN_CONTACT – status - not meant to be sent. In tool contact mode this will encode whether tool contact has been established or not.


In URScript the socket_read_binary_integer() function is used to read the data from the reverse socket. The first index in that function’s return value is the number of integers read, so the actual data starts at index 1. The indices in the table above are shifted by one when accessing the result array of the URScript function.

The motion target is encoded into an integer representation and has to be divided by the MULT_JOINTSTATE constant to get the actual floating point value. This constant is defined in ReverseInterface class.

Depending on the control mode one can use the write() (SERVOJ, SPEEDJ, SPEEDL, POSE), writeTrajectoryControlMessage() (FORWARD) or writeFreedriveControlMessage() (FREEDRIVE) function to write a message to the “reverse_socket”.